Advertisers and Sponsors


Following the success of previous years, Mentmore Arts Festival is looking for local companies to sponsor the 2023 event to be held in Mentmore Church & Village Hall on the 27th – 29th May Bank Holiday 2023. There are a number of opportunities we have to offer – please contact Deborah Hall on 07831 707023 or 01296 625024 to discuss these further.


We also produce a catalogue showing all the events and artists who will be exhibiting their work in the Church and Village Hall in Mentmore. The catalogue will be given out on entry to the exhibition and taken away by our visitors, and is a great way of advertising your company, products and services to local people.

Please supply either your own advertisement copy, letter heading or logo or if you send us the details we will design something suitable for you.

No price increase!

All advertising costs are the same as 2011/2013/2014/2015/2016/2017/2018/2019/2022 with the proceeds of the Arts Festival going to the Mentmore Church Fund and local charities.

Advertising Rates:

Advert size in mm Cost
FULL PAGE 128 wide x 190 deep £75
HALF PAGE 128 wide x 92.5 deep £50
QUARTER PAGE 61.5 wide x 92.5 deep £25

Please telephone:
Deborah Hall on 07831 707023 or 01296 625024

Please pay by bank transfer and send your copy together with your fee to the address above or download the Advertising Booking Form where the bank details are.

Deborah Hall
9 Ridgeway Place, Hale Road, Wendover, Bucks HP22 6BJ